Kids & Art's Amaezying Impact for 2024

8468 +
ArtKits sent
care centers treating patients in our programs
home states of participants
30 +
professional artists
1550 +
volunteer hours

About Kids & Art Foundation

Kids & Art is a 501(c)3 California nonprofit organization supporting pediatric patients with cancer and other critical medical conditions, their siblings, families, and support teams using the power of art and creativity.

Kids & Art art programs are offered directly to patient families, as well as through care centers. We work with professional artists to design our art experience, tailoring all projects and workshops to the unique needs and circumstances of children facing serious illness.

How Do We Help?

Kids & Art Amaeyzing Programs

Participation in artmaking helps ease the stress, anxiety, and trauma endured by children in treatment while also allowing for joy, creativity, and self-expression. All our programs are free for pediatric patient families. Kids & Art is funded through foundation, corporate, and individual support.
How Can You Help?

Kids & Art Events

Attend an event. Spread awareness. Purchase art created by our kids. Designate the Kids & Art Foundation as your nonprofit of choice when shopping via our retail partners and more.
November 17, 2024 @ 10:00 am

Chabot Space & Science Center Workshop

Cancer Sucks. Art Heals

Kids & Art Community

We use art for healing, to empower, encourage, and create memorable experiences.

Our Kids

We serve pediatric patients with cancer and other critical medical conditions, their siblings, families, and support teams.

Our Artists

Many talented artists offer their time and creativity to the kids and families we support throughout the year.

Our Partners

We would not exist without the generosity of our partners. They are a tremendous support for which we are grateful.

Thank you for your

Generosity, Love & Support