Amaeyzing Kids
Since 2008, Kids & Art has had the opportunity to impact the lives of thousands of kids through our programs, bringing moments of joy, self-expression, and fun to them through artmaking to improve their wellbeing while they fight childhood cancer or other critical conditions. During these years we’ve also gotten so much back! We have made connections with an incredible group of kids (and their families), and been able to see so many smile, laugh, and move on as survivors.
Although important HIPPA laws limit the information we can publicly share about the pediatric patients we serve, we want to share a sense for the Amaezying kids that have been a part of Kids & Art:
Although important HIPPA laws limit the information we can publicly share about the pediatric patients we serve, we want to share a sense for the Amaezying kids that have been a part of Kids & Art:

Pediatric patient in the Amaeyzing ArtKits @Home program
Art is my favorite because it’s relaxing, beautiful, and quiet.

AYA patient in the online art experiences program
I participate in Kids & Art to grow my art and creative skills and have a safe place for a creative outlet. These workshops are meaningful to me because I am able to participate in new art activities in the comfort and safety of my home and be involved in a community.

Pediatric cancer patient
Doing art makes me happy!